Creative Writing Certificate

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (DCLA) 49UGR Col of Arts, Hum & Soc Sci 5N7 - Creative Writing Certificate

Program description

This certificate program offers students the opportunity to develop their writing ability in a range of creative genres, including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and new media writing. This program is a flexible way for students with any major to develop creativity and a passion for writing. Courses in the certificate sequence provide a series of student-centered workshop experiences in which writers receive constructive, supportive feedback from peers and instructors on their work. Creative writing courses meet students where they are, helping them to set individualized goals and grow as writers. Students may complement their craft courses with additional coursework in aesthetic or professional practice.

At the end of the program, students prepare a portfolio of their work and, with the guidance of a faculty advisor, craft a letter that introduces their work to prospective literary agents, editors, and publication venues. Students who wish to share their work may also participate in celebratory public readings held yearly.

Program last updated

Fall 2024