Psychology B.A.Sc.

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Program description

The Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in psychology provides students with a firm grounding in the methods, history, and content areas of the discipline. Students are prepared for graduate study leading to advanced degrees in psychology or for paraprofessional positions requiring some application of research or human service delivery skills. The core curriculum covers the research methods used in the scientific study of behavior, and surveys theories, findings, and historical applications in a variety of psychology subfields. Students apply their methodology training to a topic of their choice in a faculty-supervised independent research project during the design and methodology courses of the core curriculum. In addition, the core curriculum requires some exposure to the main areas of the discipline. Students also have the opportunity to focus their study toward either graduate training or paraprofessional employment through their selection of elective courses (recommended as "tracks"), independent studies, or internships. Students should consult with faculty advisors to select appropriate elective courses to meet their career goals.

Students may qualify for department, college, or University awards and scholarships. Please visit Students are encouraged to present their research findings at the Twin Ports Undergraduate Psychology Conference or the National Council for Undergraduate Research.

Distance Education - Many psychology courses are available online. An online major is available to students who have a completed Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), or Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) along with a 2.00 GPA. The requirements for the online major are identical to those of the in-person major but are structured to facilitate the delivery in the online medium. The online psychology major admits students every fall semester and every spring semester. Please call the Department of Psychology or visit the website at for more information.

Departmental Honors Requirements: Senior students who have a minimum GPA of 3.80 within the psychology major and also have an overall GPA minimum of 3.00 may earn department psychology honors by doing one of the following: 1) complete an honors research project (PSY 3986) under the supervision of a psychology faculty member; 2) earn a grade of B or higher in a 5XXX-level psychology course; or 3) apply for and conduct a UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Project) under the supervision of a psychology faculty member. Students must apply to the psychology department to be considered for departmental honors by the UMD deadline to apply for graduation in their final term. Students eligible for honors are urged to consult with their advisors or a psychology department faculty member on how they wish to pursue departmental honors before the end of their junior year.

Program last updated

Fall 2025