International Studies B.A.

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College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (DCLA) 49UGR Col of Arts, Hum & Soc Sci 202 - Bachelor of Arts

Program description

International Studies is based on understanding a variety of perspectives. Students tackle such issues as human rights, the environment, and conflict and cooperation and examine them through the perspective of multiple disciplines, people, cultures, and countries—all with unequal resources, abilities, and worldviews. Students choose from a variety of courses as they begin to understand the complexity of our world, the controversies and conflicts we face, and how compromise can be found in the face of seemingly insurmountable problems.

Students will gain a broad background in contemporary international affairs and the skills necessary to participate effectively in the global community. The program incorporates courses and faculty from many different departments and programs. Majors and minors are strongly encouraged to study a world language and to incorporate a study abroad experience into their programs.

Program last updated

Fall 2024