History B.A.

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College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (DCLA) 49UGR Col of Arts, Hum & Soc Sci 202 - Bachelor of Arts

Program description

The History program provides students with analytical and communication skills that are vital for their future success and for that of our society. It empowers them to put those skills into practice through rigorous coursework and an array of optional internships in public and private sector jobs. History students' understanding of diverse cultures and the drama of human experience equips them to become effective global citizens. History students critically examine past decisions, look for patterns, and make decisions accordingly. These skills are sought after in business, law, public policy, government, education, non-profit organizations, museums, journalism, and the ministry.

The History program offers students four tracks: Global History, History and Social Science, Public History, and Specialist History.
> Global History introduces students to major world cultures and provides students with the skills to work critically with a diverse array of source materials in different media.
> History and Social Science prepares students for civic-oriented careers such as law, public service, and international affairs.
> Public History prepares students to adapt and apply skills in history to private and public audiences on the local, state, and national levels.
> Specialist History is for students who want to customize their degree plan and who intend to pursue graduate work in history.

All tracks (sub-plans) require at least one enrollment in HIST 4999. This course represents the culmination of students' progression through the major and enables them to put the acquired knowledge and skills into practice through the development of a capstone research project. It is recommended that students take HIST 4999 in their junior or senior year.

Honors requirements: Students who complete the Specialist History track with an overall U of MN GPA of 3.0 and a History major GPA of 3.3 are eligible for program honors. Students who wish to apply for honors must complete the departmental honors form in the first semester of their senior year (see the program web page).

Program last updated

Fall 2024