Graphic Design B.F.A.

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (DCLA) 49UGR Col of Arts, Hum & Soc Sci 209 - Bachelor of Fine Arts

Program description

The graphic design profession uses the creative process and technology to communicate ideas and messages. Delivery of the message can be multidimensional, print or screen based, interactive, involve sound and motion, be physical or virtual. Graphic design involves type and language, abstract and figurative imagery, concept, technology, and craft. The discipline takes place within commercial, academic, and institutional contexts in the private and public realms, and allows individuals to enter a rewarding profession that demands creativity and vision. Acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of the profession, the Department of Art and Design offers two distinct sub-plans, one that combines graphic design with complementary studio skills and practices, and one that pairs graphic design with coursework in business and marketing.

To qualify for this program, pre-graphic design students must pass a portfolio review during the second semester of their first year. After admission to the graphic design major (passing the portfolio review), the coursework required for the program is sequential and takes a minimum of three years or six semesters (see Sample Plans). Transfer students, and students who change their major to graphic design, need to be aware of this time requirement to complete the program.

Program last updated

Fall 2024