Chemistry B.A.

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Swenson College of Science & Engineering (DCSE) 50UGR UMD-Sci & Eng. Swenson Coll of 202 - Bachelor of Arts

Program description

Chemistry is the study of matter and the physical changes that matter undergoes. Chemical reactions occur every day and in every aspect of life: respiration, metabolism and growth in living systems, combustion in cars and heating plants, pharmaceutical and polymer production, and the conversion of raw materials to usable products.

Chemistry is an important and central subject. Students who are interested in health sciences such as medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and related fields need to take several semesters of chemistry. Students who like scientific and technical subjects, and who have a solid math and science background from high school, are best prepared to major in chemistry.

Students completing the BA in chemistry generally plan to use chemistry as a study field that complements other areas such as law, library science, technical writing, public relations, or sales. BA students are encouraged to participate in undergraduate research. The major also provides a strong foundation for students planning to go to professional schools, such as medical or pharmacy school.

Honors requirement: Qualified majors may apply after the first semester of their sophomore year. Participants choose a research advisor and complete two semesters of effort on a jointly developed project. Written reports and an oral presentation of the research are also required.

Program last updated

Fall 2024